It’s Recycling Awareness Week – try a can of wine!

First it was Screw Caps
People are touchy about their wine vessels! Years ago, when screw tops were first introduced the lament for the cork was, well, a lament. Would it affect the wine? What about that nice pop when you uncork? Would wines in screw top bottles be inferior? Then renowned Cloudy Bay wine maker Kevin Judd stuck one to the establishment and converted to Stelvin closures (that’s the posh name for screwcap) for his top-quality wines.
So now we have a new(ish) kid on the block: canned wines. This isn’t so much about avoiding cork taint, it’s about the fantastic recyclable nature of the can. Bearing in mind that about 90% of wines are consumed within an hour of purchase, worrying about ageing the wine should be largely immaterial.
Save Waste
Worrying about the effect on our planet however is another thing. Bottles are big, bulky and heavy which means that the carbon footprint for transportation is high. In addition to this, there is quite a lot of wastage – UK households pour the equivalent of 624 million bottles of wine a year down the drain. I know! Save it for cooking for goodness’ sake!
Quality in a Can
When you think that 2/3 of wine’s carbon footprint comes from packing and transport it seems sensible to reassess the packaging of our day-to-day drinks. Cans are a big part of that solution. Quality? Well, the can will do its job as long as the stuff you put in it in the first place is decent. Just like screw tops, you can get good wine and we have found that several enterprising companies are pushing the boundaries here.
Canned Wine Companies
The Copper Crew are an English company who source excellent award-winning wines for their jolly cans – I enjoyed some of their delicious Chenin Blanc with a mackerel pate supper last night as it happens. Their growing range includes rosé and red. The Liberator is another brand that cans small batches of superior wine from South Africa – also I love the quirky stories and music/cultural references on the cans.
Perfect Picnic Wine
These are fun drinks that don’t sacrifice quality. Cans pack twice as efficiently and are 100% recyclable. They chill in a fraction of the time a bottle does and are great for picnics – no corkscrew panics and you don’t even need a glass! At 250ml a can will serve two small glasses or one large – many bars we supply are going down this route to save wastage.
Special Offer
To encourage any sceptics and reward converts we are offering a 5 mixed can pack delivered for £25 – just in time for sunny picnics and barbeques. Follow the link below and use the code for free delivery. Enjoy!