December in Dolgellau Mis Rhagfyr
Dolgellau is beginning to buzz in the run up to Christmas. The shops have worked together to produce this little December calendar to give you a taster of events but keep an eye on social media for more that are added.
On the 3rd of December the Christmas lights will be switched on at 5:30 pm creating a really pretty atmosphere to wander around the shops, cafes and pubs. The shops are open for you until 7.30pm so relax, browse and socialise. Finish off the night with a snack and a drink.
Mae dipyn o symud yn Nolgellau Mis Rhagfyr yma. Trwy gydweithio, mae’r siopau wedi cynhyrchu’r calendr bach yma i chi gael blas o’r digwyddiadau ond cofiwch gadw llygaid ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol i weld y datblygiadau.
Am 5.30yh ar y 3ydd o Ragfyr cewch wylio’r Sgwar yn goleuo cyn mynd ymlaen am dro hamddenol o amgylch y siopau, caffis a thafarndai. Gyda digon o amser cyn cau gobeithio fydd hyn yn brofiad hamddenol a chymdeithasol.