Winter’s Here, Hamper Cheer!
Winter’s Here – I love it!
This time of year is a sort of slowing down and speeding up for us. I always used to like the farm as winter approached (that’s my brother John off to check on the sheep in the picture and I couldn’t resist including the stunning photo of the Welsh ram!) Everything hunkers down for the colder months and it all changes down a gear in nature. The animals grow their thickest winter coats to protect against the snow.

Hamper Cheer!
It is however our busiest time of the year: ‘You can feel it in the air,’ Terri says – ‘the hamper fever!’ It certainly is like sensing a coming storm, the distant rumble of the shred tempest. We had packed a 100 hampers by the beginning of December! There’s a great selection of hampers online and many more in the shop. Have a look at the new pictures on our website, we’d love to know what you think. We have ditched the picture of the building and put our faces there instead!
New Staff!
I’m also delighted to introduce you to our newest member of staff: Elis, who is looking forward to his wine education! He’s from the area and has a great interest in good whisky and Saki as well as wine. So that’s an excellent start! Pop in to say hello and get some help to choose your favourite wines for Christmas. We have a specially selected case for you. Alternatively, browse with glass in hand either online or in the shop.